Welcome to cassinobattlefields
We specialise in battlefield studies to Cassino, Anzio, the Gothic Line at Rimini and Salerno. During each study, we examine the detail of the conflict from a military perspective and focus on the activities at Battalion, Brigade, Division and Corps level.
Forthcoming Tour Dates
Camino, Garigliano & Cassino
8-12 October 2025
£545 per person B&B single room
£406 per person B&B twin/double room sharing
excludes flights, lunch and evening meals
11-14 September 2025
£495 per person B&B single room
£385 per person B&B twin/double room sharing
excludes flights, lunch and evening meals
The Gothic Line at Rimini
10-13 April 2025
£486 per person B&B single room
£376 per person B&B twin/double room sharing
excludes flights, lunch and evening meals
The Eighth Army Advance to the Sangro
22-26 March 2025
£525 per person B&B single room
£396 per person B&B twin/double room sharing
excludes flights, lunch and evening meals
Rome to Bologna – The Italian Campaign after the fall of Rome
27 September-5 October 2025
£1,918 per person Half Board
£1,595 per person Half Board twin/double room sharing
excludes flights and lunch
cassinobattlefields – explaining the past today

“Monte Cassino was arguably the most perfect defensive position in Europe, its impregnable heights blocking the Allied advance on Rome in early 1944. It was here that the Germans made their stand. The rocky, often precipitous terrain rendered heavy armour ineffective: most of the fighting was conducted using infantry and artillery assault. The bloodbath that ensued – redolent of the worst moments of World War One – left over a quarter of a million men killed or wounded in the six month struggle. The battle for Monte Cassino was Britain’s bitterest and bloodiest encounter with the German Army on any front in World War Two.”
MATTHEW PARKER. MONTE CASSINO. HEADLINE BOOKS 2003“War is not a smooth succession of dates and places interspersed with actions tied up neatly like so many parcels. War is confused, hard to understand, and for commanders in the field, fearfully difficult if not impossible to control. This was Salerno in those hectic, crowded days in September 1943.”
ERIC MORRIS. SALERNO – A MILITARY FIASCO. STEIN & DAY 1984“The Battle of Anzio was nightmarish. In its pure awfulness it stands comparison with any other battle of the Italian Campaign. Over four months the Allies lost 7,000 killed and 36,000 wounded or missing (totalling one third of the total VI Corps strength) and a further 44,000 non-battle casualties who were hospitalised due to injuries and sickness. German losses were at least as heavy. But whilst these statistics alone are suggestive of a ferocious battle, they fail to do justice to the intensity of the fighting. For a fuller picture one needs to consider that around 300,000 troops, together with the guns and fighting machines gave battle along a mere sixteen miles of front.”
LLOYD CLARK. ANZIO – THE FRICTION OF WAR. HEADLINE BOOKS 2006“Not only had all the buildings been reduced to debris but also every living creature, vegetation too, had been killed. Motionless water stagnated on the enclosed flat land between the mountains where the city once rose and flooded the large expanse of ruins: there was’nt a single tree or shrub as far as the eye could see.”

A Walking Tour of Italy’s WWII Battlefields. From the Salerno Landings to San Pietro Infine.
Nova Science Publishers
IBSN. 978-1-53618-572-0

A Walking Tour of Italy’s WWII Battlefields. Breaking the Gustav and Hitler Lines.
Nova Science Publishers
IBSN. 978-1-53619-076-2

A Walking Tour of Italy’s WWII Battlefields. From the Anzio Landings to Rome.
Nova Science Publishers
IBSN. 978-1-53619-077-9
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